Sunday, March 23, 2008

Organizing Dolls is a Never Ending Task

Again this weekend I spent most of my time clearing out boxes and organizing my collection. This includes de-boxing, repackaging for storage, storing in baggies, etc. I still have to go through my holiday dolls. I keep meaning to go through the Valentine, Easter and Christmas playline dolls I have and thinking hard about whether they should stay or go. I just don't think there is a market on ebay for most of these dolls. Every so often I watch the prices but even for the Kelly themed holiday dolls, the prices have gone way down. At some point, I'll have a big de-boxing party and strip them of their clothes and put them all in a nude lot. Of course, the problem is that I always love to take photographs of each doll before I sell it just to have a record. I set up a pile of dolls to de-box, I do one, take a lot of pictures, put the clothes in a baggie and put the doll itself in a sale box. It works out ok for the first two or three. Then I get side-tracked by the phone, reading e-mail or one of my children. It just never ends and all the dolls I intended to get to in a day just go back in a bigger box, in the closet until the next weekend. I guess I should be grateful I have something to do. I can honestly say I am never bored and wish I had time for all my hobbies like reading, watching movies, etc.

While preparing for some dolls to go to new homes, I took some time to photograph some of my newer items over the past few weeks as well. I was lucky enough to find a nude Indigo Obsession doll a few months ago. She is re-bodied with Milan Best Model's body. I didn't feel I had quite the right outfit until I saw this new Randall Craig outfit Retro Modernism. I think Miss Indigo looks quite happy to be back in blue.


  1. oh, Indigo Obsession is such a pretty doll! Blue sure is her color! Too bad she's so expensive!

  2. I'm not a fan of pants on dolls, but she looks very smart wearing this outfit, it's stylish and practical at the same time.

  3. I'm so glad you wrote this post.... I spend a lot of time organizing my dolls, similar to your procedure I'm sure. I first have to examine my doll purchase in the box, take pictures, and then deciding whether to keep her - this often gives me a headache because I usually overspend! Then if I keep her, I have to decide if I am de-boxing - a de-boxed doll gets baggied and labeled and possibly rebodied....jeez and phew! But of course when I come to these organized items later, it's all worth it!

  4. I am so glad to find this post as I was trying to figure out which body goes with her. Beautiful!
