Sunday, August 17, 2008

Say Hello to Shanghai

This week we will introduce three new Asian dolls to Mattel's current line. My Shanghai dolls finally arrived. The first is the blond Shanghai doll. She is a little unusual in that she has larger anime type eyes. This has proved to be somewhat of a turn-off for some collectors. The look of the doll and her accessories and placement are quite nice but she somehow does not match her "friend." I only learned which doll was the Shanghai doll when one of the forum members pointed out to me that the invoice was labeled Shanghai doll and Shanghai Friend. She is not sold out on Barbie Collector but you can also find her on ebay for a little more than the retail price. If you don't want to join the club just to get her it may be cheaper to find one on ebay. I'm still undecided about whether or not to de-box these girls. They are currently on display still in their boxes.


  1. I deboxed mine in a futile attempt to actually like the blonde. Right now I'm calling her Roswell because to me she looks like a little flesh coloured alien!

  2. Are their heads bigger comparable to other Barbies with belly button bodies?

  3. Yes, they are not that much bigger than the current Barbies out with Belly Button Bodies.
