Sunday, October 23, 2011

Can you Believe the Tokidoki Barbie Firestorm?

Tokidoki Barbie by ShellyS
Tokidoki Barbie, a photo by ShellyS on Flickr.
Wow, who could predict that Miss Tokidoki Barbie would cause such a firestorm! I'm sure you've read the articles and may have even seen the news reports on CNN and other outlets. I loved this doll from the moment I saw her pictures from Toy Fair. There is no way this is a child's Barbie doll and I'm not buying into all the articles and new stories that the media has picked up on. Now that Barbie Collector announced on 10/21/11 that this Barbie is really sold out she seems to have gone up in price considerably!  A few weeks ago I was able to meet the designer Simone Legno in Santa Monica, California. I hope you enjoy the pics!


  1. I really can't believe all the fuss. You'd think they'd made "Satan worshiping Barbie with Chelsea Child Sacrifice" the way some people are reacting. Blows my mind, to be honest. I love my TokiDoki! I think she's fantastic.

  2. The media just loves to malign Barbie and they are sure having fun with this story! Grrr~!

  3. Don't understand a thing. That Barbie is clearly not designed for children, as told on its box. Maybe some people can't read yet. By the way, wonderful pic of the tattoo on her back, thanks for sharing!

  4. parents never protest against porn websites or movies. here they are, worred about this doll that is not sold in Toys R Us or Target or Walmart or any of their neighborhood stores would poison their kids.

  5. Rossetti: Glad you like the pic. I wish I had an extra doll to de-box but I'm keeping her intact for now!

    Dollsaga: Well said!

  6. Barbie: Slut or just Misunderstood?
