Monday, November 14, 2011

I Love My Nighty Brights Francie

I love this new Francie! She is much more than I expected! Now I would really love to go back and get Check Please Francie but there are so many new dolls that I want! Here is one of my fave pics. Click to see more of the pics on my Flickr page!

Mid Length


  1. I've been excitedly waiting for someone to post pics of her in doll blogs. I tend to be a little late in that department. Your Francie is beautiful!

  2. I just got my doll in the mail....I have to send her back *tears* Her rooted lashes on one eye is lopsided! I waited so long for her....Now I gotta wait again....*sigh*

  3. Oh no! I'm so sorry! The quality control is almost non-existant on some of these dolls. We pay so much they could at least check them somehow! Hope you get your replacement soon!

  4. Hello from Spain: I love your blog. I follow you in a while. Ago I created my blog dedicated to Barbie and her accessories. I invite you to visit: With reference to the wrist Francine is precious because it is different from other dolls. I love telling us the news. We remain in contact blog blog
