Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Randall Craig Update

Me and Randall Craig at the 2011 Barbie Convention
Randall Craig and me at the 2011 Barbie Convention 

I'm such a fan of Randall Craig Fashions!  Over the years his collections have dressed my dolls so stylishly!  I had the opportunity to finally meet Randall  in Summer of 2011 at the Barbie Convention.  He presented his Convention Collection of amazing light and airy fashions.  He also had two exclusive poodles available for sale.

I just received an email where Randall reports that their website will be undergoing an update soon so look out for that.  Also a new Randall Craig Ready to Wear collection will be out in the second quarter with four new fashions featuring "lovely fabric."  Finally, Randall Craig will be having a sample sale featuring house samples, pre-production samples and possibly some prototypes.  The sale will also take place in the second quarter.  I will post as soon as I find out more details!

You can take a look at some of my Randall Craig pictures here and here.


  1. Olá Sandra!
    Quanto tempo amiga que nós nos falamos, não é?
    Amei este post! Admiro muito o trabalho dele também!
    Beijos amiga!

  2. Hello from Spain: thank you for teaching photos of the convention. In Spain Mattel has not organized any convention. I look forward to going to a. I saw on other blogs that is the latest news and Mattel designers have what they are working. keep in contact blog blog.

  3. Hi Magda! I'm back to blogging more regularly again! Thank you so much for your comment and glad you like the Randall Craig fashions! I can't wait to see the new ones! xx

  4. Hi Marta: I wish there were conventions in Spain since there are so many dedicated fans there. I'm glad you like the convention coverage. I will feature some more pictures and stories from convention in future posts! Thank you so much for your comments and support! S
