Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Tarina Obsession

I hope you all had a fabulous Easter. Spring is finally here and warmer weather greets us. Actually it's raining here today but no matter. My Tarina is ready for spring fun in her Kari Michell dress. Please check my Flickr for my continuing month of Daily Tarina pics in the 2012 Dolly Daily. I took so many pics at the end of March that I decided to make a month dedicated to Tarina. As soon as I'm done posting this set of pics I have a new set ready for publication. Enjoy your dolly days ahead!


  1. The steffie one is definitely my favourite mold since I was a child, and I also have a Tarina, I simply adore her! But mine has worse hair, yours is brighter and looks softer... Have you restylish it?

  2. She is such a beautiful doll and can really rock the pink hair. Looking forward to your month of pictures!

  3. Hi Rossetti: Most of my Tarinas have some problem hair. I had to carefully with water comb it out and try to restyle it but they have a lot of stray hairs still. I posted some pics when I was doing this. I hope you can see them. It was not easy and most of the dolls still have average hair!

  4. Thanks so very much Whysper Leigh! I had all my Tarinas stored away for a very long time and am finally getting around to enjoying them in all their pink beauty!

  5. Tarina is such a pretty doll! She is at the top of my wish list. I am heading over to check out your flickr pics as soon as I pop some popcorn. : )

  6. Thanks Georgia Girl for stopping by! I hope you like them!

  7. she is one of the prettiest dolls. I remember when I was bidding on eBay, I entered my max bid as $7651 instead of $76.51 --I didnt realize I made such a mistake until I wont her at $74, then, I saw " your maximum bid $7651" on my dashboard!

  8. Hello from Spain: Tarina is a very pretty doll. It is one of my favorites but for now I have none. Her face is always one of my favorites. Keep in touch.

  9. This is one of the best Barbie ever made. Simply stunning , a 2nd edition would be a dream come true.
    I took some pics of her too,
    here the link of my flickr account

  10. Hi Dollsaga: I saw some of your recent pics featuring Tarina. I'm so glad you got her too and I'm glad she is not one of the ones who have flown to new adventures! Glad you didn't pay so much for her with that high bid!

  11. Marta: Please keep looking out for her, I hope you are able to get her soon!

  12. Hi universoplástico: I spent some time looking at your Flickr. Thank you for posting the link. I had seen your Tarina pics not too long ago. Also congrats on your website. I did not know about it but I have followed it so I'll be able to see your current posts. Best wishes and thanks for stopping by!

  13. wow... her face is perfect and the hair great!
