Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Another New Barbie Website and Stila Cosmetics

I read about another new Barbie website launched today. It's called Barbie Style! It is supposed to help you keep up with all the happenings for Barbie's 50th and all the products and new items released to celebrate Barbie. There are also videos, history and news!

The Barbie Stila cosmetics are now available at Sephora. Besides the Black Barbie set previously discussed here, there is a Malibu Barbie set, a #1 Vintage Barbie Set and a 2000 Jewel Doll set. From Sephora's website: "In this collection, created to celebrate Barbie's 50th birthday, each paint can features the look of an iconic Barbie doll from the past five decades. Inside each can is everything you need to get that beautiful Barbie doll's signature look. The Barbie Loves Stila paint can also includes a "Barbie Look Book" that includes a history of each top-selling Barbie doll over the last five decades." I really like the look of each can and each represents a popular Barbie through the make-up of the time. It's really hard to decide which one to buy isn't it?

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