Friday, October 11, 2013

Spotlight: Antarctica - The Queen of the South Pole


I am very pleased to bring you the breathtaking Antarctica Doll, The Queen of the South Pole designed by The Black Swan Doll Company.

You may remember my news report on The Black Swan Company from a few months ago.  I've been eagerly watching the rise of The Black Swan Doll Company in the past couple of months and their creations never cease to amaze.  Please take a few minutes to view the video featuring Antarctica. 

Antarctica is a tribute to the acclaimed designer Bob Mackie and the beautiful Barbie Fantasy Goddess of the Arctic.  The designers at the Black Swan Doll Company's Antarctica is a "sister" doll.  She is the Queen of the South Pole.

I hope you enjoy Antarctica!  Here are some pics of this beautiful creation! Click to view!

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