Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Videos: Jennifer Lopez and Robert Best Bring you the J-Lo Barbies

At first, I wasn't too sure about the Jennifer Lopez Barbies, but if I see them, I will most likely buy them. Here are two videos featuring Robert Best and Jennifer Lopez which discuss the process of working on the doll.  There are some nice close-ups of the dolls displayed. There are actually two videos, so when the first one ends, stay tuned for the next one.

I like the dolls as-is, but I can't wait to see how they can be customized and redressed.  Sometimes I think they look very much like J-Lo, and other times not so much.  Guess I will have to pick one of these Barbies up and see for myself.  A few of our members on the Doll Cafe Facebook group already have the doll.  Please check out these amazing pics.  The link will take you to an amazing re-root but there are various pictures of J-Lo scattered throughout the page.


  1. It's so true how she says Barbie represents infinite possibilities. Thanks for sharing this video.

  2. Sea guapísima la Barbie que salga con unos detalles que nos sorprenderán, besosss

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed the video Debbie. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Estoy ansiosamente esperando por ella Carmen. Fotitos tan pronto la encuentre. besitos
